However, you can also save on energy and reduce your bills by making only small changes to your everyday habits. Here are 10 ways you can easily reduce energy use in your kitchen.
LWK Kitchens London
Keep your oven door closed
Although they cost more in the first instance, new oven models are increasingly more energy-efficient than older models. In fact, a new A+++ electric oven will use about 60% less energy than a B rated oven.
But with any oven, you can easily save energy just by keeping the door closed during cooking. Otherwise, each time you open the door to check on your meal, you’re losing between 10-14% of its heat. This can increase the cooking time required, as well as the amount of energy used. If seeing your food to check on it during cooking is a must, then prior to switching the oven on, ensure the door is clean enough to see through. This is also more efficient and hygienic for cooking.
If you’re reheating food, a microwave is quicker and more efficient than an oven, because it directly transfers energy to food to heat it, whereas electric ovens also work hard to heat the air inside the oven.
Discover how to make the most of your one-wall kitchen
Although they cost more in the first instance, new oven models are increasingly more energy-efficient than older models. In fact, a new A+++ electric oven will use about 60% less energy than a B rated oven.
But with any oven, you can easily save energy just by keeping the door closed during cooking. Otherwise, each time you open the door to check on your meal, you’re losing between 10-14% of its heat. This can increase the cooking time required, as well as the amount of energy used. If seeing your food to check on it during cooking is a must, then prior to switching the oven on, ensure the door is clean enough to see through. This is also more efficient and hygienic for cooking.
If you’re reheating food, a microwave is quicker and more efficient than an oven, because it directly transfers energy to food to heat it, whereas electric ovens also work hard to heat the air inside the oven.
Discover how to make the most of your one-wall kitchen
Kathryn J. LeMaster Art & Design
Select suitable cookware
Ensuring the use of appropriate dishes, trays and pans for cooking will reduce the amount of energy consumed. For example, metal oven trays can quickly lose heat, whereas glass and ceramic trays retain heat very well. This also means they can be used at lower temperatures within your oven.
Similarly, if cooking on a hob, you can reduce the amount of energy wasted by keeping the lid over a saucepan to retain heat, and by using a pan proportionate to the size of its contents. For example, if the ring is bigger than the pan being used, then all of the heated area around the pan will be wasted – you’re simply heating fresh air!
Check out ways to maximise space in a small kitchen
Ensuring the use of appropriate dishes, trays and pans for cooking will reduce the amount of energy consumed. For example, metal oven trays can quickly lose heat, whereas glass and ceramic trays retain heat very well. This also means they can be used at lower temperatures within your oven.
Similarly, if cooking on a hob, you can reduce the amount of energy wasted by keeping the lid over a saucepan to retain heat, and by using a pan proportionate to the size of its contents. For example, if the ring is bigger than the pan being used, then all of the heated area around the pan will be wasted – you’re simply heating fresh air!
Check out ways to maximise space in a small kitchen
Roots Kitchens Bedrooms Bathrooms
Defrost your freezer
As it’s constantly switched on, the freezer is one of the biggest energy users in the kitchen. And while energy-efficient freezer models are excellent for reducing energy use, this is only the case if they are regularly maintained to keep them frost-free. This is because the more frosty the freezer, the harder it has to work to keep cold, and the more electricity is used.
Of course, defrosting a freezer is an arduous task, but the benefit of doing so is a potential saving of up to £100-£200 each year on energy bills. And auto-defrost models make this even easier to achieve.
If you’re shopping around for a new freezer, then an A+++ fridge-freezer is the best option. But you should also consider the size of freezer you need, as a smaller model will, of course, use less energy than a larger one with the same energy rating. So if you can live without the extra freezer space, then go for a smaller model or else a combined fridge-freezer.
Leaving your food to defrost overnight in the fridge rather than putting it in the microwave will also save on energy use.
As it’s constantly switched on, the freezer is one of the biggest energy users in the kitchen. And while energy-efficient freezer models are excellent for reducing energy use, this is only the case if they are regularly maintained to keep them frost-free. This is because the more frosty the freezer, the harder it has to work to keep cold, and the more electricity is used.
Of course, defrosting a freezer is an arduous task, but the benefit of doing so is a potential saving of up to £100-£200 each year on energy bills. And auto-defrost models make this even easier to achieve.
If you’re shopping around for a new freezer, then an A+++ fridge-freezer is the best option. But you should also consider the size of freezer you need, as a smaller model will, of course, use less energy than a larger one with the same energy rating. So if you can live without the extra freezer space, then go for a smaller model or else a combined fridge-freezer.
Leaving your food to defrost overnight in the fridge rather than putting it in the microwave will also save on energy use.
Beau-Port Kitchens
Wash at low temperatures
Washing your clothes less often is an obvious tip for saving energy in the kitchen, but it isn’t very practical, and it certainly won’t make you popular!
Instead, you can reduce your energy use by making sure you operate both your washing machine and dishwasher at a lower temperature, and each with a full load. If buying a new machine, choose one with a half-load button. And by switching from a hot wash to a warm wash, over a year you could cut the energy consumption of these appliances in half.
Some dishwashers now have the technology to absorb moisture and convert it into heat. This means dry loads after a cycle, achieved through lower energy consumption.
Regularly cleaning and maintaining the filters in both of these appliances will also reduce the energy costs associated with operating them. And if you don’t want to do this yourself, then you can opt for models with self-cleaning systems.
Washing your clothes less often is an obvious tip for saving energy in the kitchen, but it isn’t very practical, and it certainly won’t make you popular!
Instead, you can reduce your energy use by making sure you operate both your washing machine and dishwasher at a lower temperature, and each with a full load. If buying a new machine, choose one with a half-load button. And by switching from a hot wash to a warm wash, over a year you could cut the energy consumption of these appliances in half.
Some dishwashers now have the technology to absorb moisture and convert it into heat. This means dry loads after a cycle, achieved through lower energy consumption.
Regularly cleaning and maintaining the filters in both of these appliances will also reduce the energy costs associated with operating them. And if you don’t want to do this yourself, then you can opt for models with self-cleaning systems.
Paul Craig Photography
Close the fridge
Not only is a stocked fridge more welcoming to come home to each day, it also requires less energy to maintain its optimum temperature compared with an empty fridge. This is because the kitchen’s warmth flows into it each time the fridge door is opened, but warm air takes longer to increase the temperature of a full fridge than an empty one.
By the same logic, you should ensure you don’t leave your fridge door open while working in the kitchen, and never put warm food in the fridge.
If you’re in the habit of leaving your fridge door open – or else live with others who do – you can now get self-close fridges, solving the problem completely.
Not only is a stocked fridge more welcoming to come home to each day, it also requires less energy to maintain its optimum temperature compared with an empty fridge. This is because the kitchen’s warmth flows into it each time the fridge door is opened, but warm air takes longer to increase the temperature of a full fridge than an empty one.
By the same logic, you should ensure you don’t leave your fridge door open while working in the kitchen, and never put warm food in the fridge.
If you’re in the habit of leaving your fridge door open – or else live with others who do – you can now get self-close fridges, solving the problem completely.
Paul Leach Photography
Switch off standby
Although they’re convenient for everyday use, appliances, TVs and gadgets turned to standby mode still require energy, particularly for maintaining the appliance’s “sleep” status. This is especially so if the appliance has LED lights or a flashing display that remains in place when the appliance isn’t being used.
With the exception of fridges and freezers, most appliances can be switched off at the plug when not in use, and doing so can save an average household between £45 and £80 a year.
If this is a problem within your house, then it’s worth looking into Standby Savers, which let you turn off multiple appliances with one switch.
Although they’re convenient for everyday use, appliances, TVs and gadgets turned to standby mode still require energy, particularly for maintaining the appliance’s “sleep” status. This is especially so if the appliance has LED lights or a flashing display that remains in place when the appliance isn’t being used.
With the exception of fridges and freezers, most appliances can be switched off at the plug when not in use, and doing so can save an average household between £45 and £80 a year.
If this is a problem within your house, then it’s worth looking into Standby Savers, which let you turn off multiple appliances with one switch.
Paul Leach Photography
Fit energy-saving lights
Lighting is essential in any kitchen, but if you have a lot of lights, and inefficient bulbs, they can quickly use up a lot of energy. This energy use can be reduced by replacing traditional tungsten light bulbs with more efficient ones, such as LED lights. Available in a number of sizes, settings and styles, these are a more modern lighting option, and use up significantly less energy.
Energy saving for lights is also easy to achieve by remembering to switch them off when you leave the room.
Lighting is essential in any kitchen, but if you have a lot of lights, and inefficient bulbs, they can quickly use up a lot of energy. This energy use can be reduced by replacing traditional tungsten light bulbs with more efficient ones, such as LED lights. Available in a number of sizes, settings and styles, these are a more modern lighting option, and use up significantly less energy.
Energy saving for lights is also easy to achieve by remembering to switch them off when you leave the room.
Art of Kitchens Pty Ltd
Reduce drying time
Hanging your washing out is the ultimate energy-saver over a tumble dryer. If you have limited or no outdoor space, then washer-dryers can be highly desirable, but they also require a lot of energy to operate.
One of the ways you can reduce this is through employing an additional spin cycle during washing. This can remove as much as a pint of water before the clothes have even entered the dryer, meaning the dryer will do its job quicker! Ensuring a full load of clothing during the dry cycle can also reduce energy use, as can regular servicing to keep the filters clean and unblocked.
As with all appliances, tumble dryer energy ratings vary, but the running cost of an A+++ grade appliance is roughly £30 per year compared with £100 per year for a G grade appliance.
Hanging your washing out is the ultimate energy-saver over a tumble dryer. If you have limited or no outdoor space, then washer-dryers can be highly desirable, but they also require a lot of energy to operate.
One of the ways you can reduce this is through employing an additional spin cycle during washing. This can remove as much as a pint of water before the clothes have even entered the dryer, meaning the dryer will do its job quicker! Ensuring a full load of clothing during the dry cycle can also reduce energy use, as can regular servicing to keep the filters clean and unblocked.
As with all appliances, tumble dryer energy ratings vary, but the running cost of an A+++ grade appliance is roughly £30 per year compared with £100 per year for a G grade appliance.
Use only what you need and avoid wastage
An easy fix for reducing energy costs in the kitchen is to ensure you only use as much as you need. For example, filling a kettle to the brim when making only one cup of tea makes the kettle work much harder than necessary. And heating cold water on a hob is generally less efficient than if you first boil it in an electric kettle and then transfer it to a pan.
However, it’s expensive to continually heat water to boiling temperature. In particular, it’s the last 10 degrees that’s the most expensive part of boiling a kettle, yet people often forget they’ve already boiled it and will switch the kettle back on to repeat this last part of the process.
As an alternative to kettles, hot-water taps are more energy-efficient. They inexpensively keep water warm (using the equivalent energy of a 40 watt light bulb) and also offer the benefit of being instant. However, the initial outlay is more costly than buying a kettle.
Other examples of wasted energy include leaving on a TV when not in the room, or having a hot tap running when washing up, rather than filling a washing-up bowl. You should also ensure any leaks or dripping taps are quickly fixed, as again they incur cost for something that’s simply going to waste.
An easy fix for reducing energy costs in the kitchen is to ensure you only use as much as you need. For example, filling a kettle to the brim when making only one cup of tea makes the kettle work much harder than necessary. And heating cold water on a hob is generally less efficient than if you first boil it in an electric kettle and then transfer it to a pan.
However, it’s expensive to continually heat water to boiling temperature. In particular, it’s the last 10 degrees that’s the most expensive part of boiling a kettle, yet people often forget they’ve already boiled it and will switch the kettle back on to repeat this last part of the process.
As an alternative to kettles, hot-water taps are more energy-efficient. They inexpensively keep water warm (using the equivalent energy of a 40 watt light bulb) and also offer the benefit of being instant. However, the initial outlay is more costly than buying a kettle.
Other examples of wasted energy include leaving on a TV when not in the room, or having a hot tap running when washing up, rather than filling a washing-up bowl. You should also ensure any leaks or dripping taps are quickly fixed, as again they incur cost for something that’s simply going to waste.
LWK Kitchens London
Regulate temperatures
As already mentioned, dishwashers and washing machines should be operated at low temperatures to reduce energy use. But taking note of and regulating the optimal temperatures for all other appliances will also prove more energy-efficient. This includes a temperature of 3-5°C for a fridge, -18°C for a freezer, and 7-12°C for a white wine cooler.
Apart from using their in-built thermostats, a helpful way to regulate your appliances is to invest in an Energy Meter – a small device that measures the energy and cost of individual appliances. If you suspect that any of your appliances are guzzling too much energy, then these devices can prove really helpful in pinpointing your main culprits and which should be replaced with newer and more efficient models.
What other energy-saving tips can you share for the kitchen and home? Let us know in the Comments below.
As already mentioned, dishwashers and washing machines should be operated at low temperatures to reduce energy use. But taking note of and regulating the optimal temperatures for all other appliances will also prove more energy-efficient. This includes a temperature of 3-5°C for a fridge, -18°C for a freezer, and 7-12°C for a white wine cooler.
Apart from using their in-built thermostats, a helpful way to regulate your appliances is to invest in an Energy Meter – a small device that measures the energy and cost of individual appliances. If you suspect that any of your appliances are guzzling too much energy, then these devices can prove really helpful in pinpointing your main culprits and which should be replaced with newer and more efficient models.
What other energy-saving tips can you share for the kitchen and home? Let us know in the Comments below.
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