Kitchen of the Week: A Scottish Kitchen Inspired by the Coastal Views

Kitchen of the Week: A Scottish Kitchen Inspired by the Coastal Views- As one of four flats in an Edwardian mansion overlooking a beach on the Edinburgh coast, the starting point for the design of this room was the rugged landscape. ‘The clients wanted the space to tie in with the tones of the sand and sea outside,’ explains Camilla Pringle, who was responsible for designing and supplying the kitchen.

The owners decided to renovate the entire flat before moving in. Chalmers & Co were the architects and project managers, and Camilla was brought in towards the end of the project to work on the kitchen and advise on the colour schemes. ‘The space was basically fresh to fix when I arrived – the electrics were just being finished and we were walking on floor joists,’ Camilla explains. ‘The family were very design conscious and had a very good eye, so they were dream clients,’ she says. ‘They knew what they wanted, so the brief was very concise and easy to follow,’ she adds.

Kitchen at a Glance
Who lives here A family
Location Outside Edinburgh, Scotland
Designer Camilla Pringle of Camilla Pringle Interiors
Size 6m x 12m (including a seating area)

Photography by Douglas Gibb Photography
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